Mental health in the workplace is a key focus for us at YU, as it’s such an all-encompassing part of everyday life. There’s nowhere else that we spend so much of our time, and can therefore have such a profound impact on our mental state.
We are starting a series of posts on the benefits that boosting wellbeing in the workplace can bring to both employer and employee, and we begin by looking at productivity.
Businesses spend much of their time focused on the effects of productivity – that is, revenue, profit, sales targets and cost efficiencies. And most businesses are also aware that the key to seeing the figures they desire is in the workforce. To ensure a positive effect on the bottom line, there must be a balance between competence (the skills and ability to do the job) and capacity (having the bandwidth to carry out the tasks required of the role). If one of those pillars is not present, then there will be a negative impact on productivity.
Having the required skills for the job is something to be ascertained at interview stage, and if necessary, can be taught. Capacity, however, relies on an individual having the energy and headspace to perform to the level they are capable of. If they are anxious, stressed or overwhelmed, they are unlikely to be effective. Instead, they may be distracted, unable to concentrate, and lacking in motivation. They might also be irritable or distant with colleagues, or spend time absorbed with internal struggles, which creates a tense and stressful atmosphere. Burnout can also lead to employees taking time off, which not only costs the business more, but also impacts on the people remaining at work as their workload increases to compensate.
This is why focusing on mental health and wellbeing should be a priority for business owners, rather than an additional bonus to fit in if there’s time. In a world driven by financial incentive, there is always another reward to chase after, so if wellbeing is not woven into the fabric of business strategy, it will inevitably be left by the wayside.
And if this happens, the whole business will feel the ramifications. Conversely, if wellbeing is elevated to a position of significance within the organisation, there are many benefits to be felt by all parties.
One of the major positive impacts that can be felt by making changes to improve wellbeing is an increase in productivity, which can yield the following benefits:
More motivated and engaged employees who care about their role and the company, and strive to achieve their best
Greater efficiencies and increased overall profitability
Increased collaboration between colleagues and teams, leading to more opportunities for creativity and innovation
Reduced time and cost spent on staff absence or recruitment
The creation of an open, respectful and supportive culture
It’s not just the employer who will benefit - the workforce can see a positive impact too:
Improved job satisfaction and engagement, fostering a sense of positivity about going to work
Feeling more nurtured and supported by effective management
Spending workdays in a pleasant, collaborative environment
Feeling motivated towards personal growth and advancement, and able to reach their potential
Enhanced resilience that can positively impact other areas of life
The YU app and dashboard can be a valuable tool for organisations and groups, bringing together real-time mental health insights of an entire group. It can help identify stressors and blockers for a targeted and effective approach on the areas that will make the most difference, as well as track the effectiveness of initiatives. It can also aid in opening more transparent channels of communication between management and the wider team based on accurate and authentic data.
It’s clear then, that if sufficient attention is paid to employee wellbeing, one of the key benefits that employers can enjoy for their organisation is that of increased productivity, which can have a multitude of knock-on benefits to the company and its employees. But to do this, wellbeing must be embedded throughout the strategy, leadership and people of the business, a fully integrated part of the culture. Only by doing this will organisations see a sustainable increase in productivity and a more engaged, energised workforce.